Warren Truss

The Australian Government has doubled payments to local councils under its Roads to Recovery Programme to fast-track urgent road repairs and provide better access and improved safety.

The investment will see delivery of better local roads across the nation.

Australia Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss said: "In the 2015-2016 financial year, the Australian Government is doubling Roads to Recovery funding from $350m to $700m.

"These additional funds mean that each and every council will receive a double payment to accelerate local delivery of vital road maintenance projects."

Under the Roads to Recovery Programme, a total of $2.1bn will be delivered over the five years to 2018-2019 directly to local councils, including the double payment in the upcoming financial year.

"These additional funds mean that each and every council will receive a double payment to accelerate local delivery of vital road maintenance projects."

Local councils will nominate the projects to be funded under the Roads to Recovery Programme, according to local priorities.

The Roads to Recovery Programme was initiated in 2001 and since then, councils have used the funding provided to repair and upgrade more than 45,000 local streets and road locations.

Based on the forecast expenditure, local governments will be paid Roads to Recovery funding quarterly, in advance, enabling decisions on road investments to be made at a regional level.

Local councils were informed to move immediately to plan and deliver their Roads to Recovery projects.

Truss further added that if these extra works are undertaken promptly, jobs can be created quickly and communities can benefit from improved roads and streets as soon as possible.

Image: Australia Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss. Photo: courtesy of Bidgee via Wikipedia.