The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) in the US has introduced a new technology called Bus Transit Management System (BTMS) to boost bus reliability and provide more consistent service.

BTMS provides real-time monitoring of bus movements and modern real-time communications between bus drivers and CTA’s control centre. It replaces an outdated bus communications system that is at the end of its useful life, and does not provide location information or other functionality of the new system.

According to CTA, the system will also allow buses to more quickly adapt to changing traffic and street conditions, as well as help avoid challenges facing bus service: bus ‘bunching’ and long waits between buses.

"The CTA under Mayor Emanuel has significantly invested in technology as a key method of improving service to customers and modernising our transit system."

CTA president Forrest Claypool said: "The CTA under Mayor Emanuel has significantly invested in technology as a key method of improving service to customers and modernising our transit system.

"This includes installing 4G wireless service in our subways, substantially expanding and enhancing Bus and Train Tracker service and increasing the number of security cameras on every CTA bus, train and station to more than 23,000.

"But this new technology will allow us to preemptively act even before those delays occur, so that we can minimise the inconvenience to our customers."

The two-way touchscreen terminals that will be equipped on every CTA bus will provide improved communication between drivers and the control centre, which monitors all CTA bus and rail operations throughout the city.

The BTMS allows control centre personnel to detect conditions that could lead to a service delay or bunching and instruct bus drivers to adjust routes accordingly.

In addition, the control centre can instantaneously send a message to multiple buses about a reroute due to police or fire activity.

Testing of BTMS on buses operating from two CTA garages on the city’s south side have shown significant improvement in bus service.