Microprocessador Electronic and Variable Message Signs

Microprocessador (MP), designs and manufactures electronic and variable message signs for roads, highways or motorways, tunnels and bridges, including:

  • Variable message signs
  • Lane control signs
  • Parking signs
  • Toll signs

Nowadays these are an essential component of road traffic management and of the improvement of safety, comfort and mobility on road networks.

Variable message signs

Variable message signs, or VMS, are electronic and intelligent display panels for road traffic management. VMS allow text and graphic variable messages to be combined, resulting in a more effective means of controlling traffic. Other benefits of this effective means of conveying useful information to drivers include increases in safety levels, lower stress levels, better decisions and more mobility.

Examples of applications for VMS include:

  • Incident and accidents information
  • Hazard and traffic restrictions
  • Weather and road conditions information
  • Traffic and travel information

Intelligence comes in the form of a self-diagnosis tool, web server, TCP/IP and SNMP integrated protocol, several remote and local interfaces for control and maintenance and configuration, and message store capacity. Standalone or network configuration and control, digital and analogue input / output, direct interactivity with other road equipment, new protocols that are easy to adapt to, integrations, and algorithms are also advantages.

Lane control signs

Lane control signs, or LCS, are specific variable road traffic signs for lane control. Normally based on graphic messages – with a light design and relatively small dimension – they allow easy installation and configuration for different road infrastructures like tunnels, bridges, highways, toll plazas and road interchanges.

Examples of applications for LCS include:

  • Lane open / close / change
  • Variable traffic restrictions (bus and truck)
  • Variable speed limits
  • Hazard lane signalization

Toll signs

Toll signs are specific electronic signs for lane control and driver information at toll plazas. The toll signs are purpose-designed and built for toll-collection area requirements in multi-lane situations, including dynamic and variable messages, toll warning and advice, lane control and more.

Examples of applications include:

  • Lane open / close
  • Lane traffic restriction
  • Lane type identification
  • Toll pricing information
  • Free-flow lane information
  • Electronic fee collection information

Parking signs

Parking signs are variable electronic information panels providing specific information, based on full matrix configuration and for use in both indoor and outdoor parking facilities. This range of electronic panels covers applications such as:

  • Parking networks
  • Parking directions
  • Number of free spaces
  • Special parking facilities

Make an enquiry

Microprocessador Sistemas Digitais, SA

Rua Eng. Frederico Ulrich

P.Box 3113

4471-907 Moreira da Maia



81354877345 +351 22 940 9000 81332667110 +351 22 940 9001 www.mos.co.jp www.microprocessador.pt www.mpdisplays.net

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Microprocessador Sistemas Digitais, SA

Rua Eng. Frederico Ulrich

P.Box 3113

4471-907 Moreira da Maia



Mr. António Carneiro (business director) 81354877345 +351 22 940 9000 81332667110 +351 22 940 9001 www.mos.co.jp www.microprocessador.pt www.mpdisplays.net