Q-Free has entered into a share purchase agreement for acquiring Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) company, TDC Systems, for an estimated cash and equity consideration of £10m, in a move to strengthen its advanced transportation management systems (ATMS) operations.

TDC Systems consists of TDC Systems Ltd in the UK and its sister company TDC Systems Pty in Australia, which are both fully owned by founder and managing director Mark Phillips.

Established in 1998, TDC Systems has workforce of 40 employees, and runs a 24/7 global operation with customers in 50 countries from its main offices in the UK, Australia and Malaysia.

"TDC Systems consists of TDC Systems Ltd in the UK and its sister company TDC Systems Pty in Australia."

The company generated revenues of £4.7m in 2013, and will be consolidated into the accounts of Q-Free effective the first quarter of 2014.

Q-Free projects a significant growth in the ATMS market, given the benefits of deployment of new technology in terms of traffic safety and traffic flow, pollution, and operating costs.

Q-Free CEO Thomas Falck said that the acquisition of TDC Systems is in line with its long-term strategy of building a strong position within ATMS operations.

TDC Systems specialises in research, design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of ITS, including advanced weigh-in-motion systems, traffic counters and classifiers, journey-time monitoring systems, air quality monitoring systems, and detection systems for pedestrians and cyclists.