Hi-Tech Robotic Systemz has developed Novus Drive, an autonomous shuttle that comes with 14 seats, in India.

The shuttle, which was developed in Gurgoan, is equipped with a 32-channel Velodyne HDL-32E real-time 3D LiDAR sensor, GPS navigation system, stereo vision cameras, and machine-driven algorithms that enable path planning and obstacle detection, as well as avoidance, reported Traffictechnologytoday.com.

This is the first of its type to be developed in the country.

"Novus Drive effectively knows where it is at all times; that’s the beauty of this implementation."

While navigating autonomously, it can sense the surrounding environment even as it undertakes intelligent maneuvers.

A tablet is mounted on the vehicle that enables passengers to set their destinations and look at details on configurable cached maps.

It can be summounded through a mobile app.

The shuttle also comes with a snooze button that makes it stop.

The shuttle has been designed for commuting in university campuses and theme parks.

Hi-Tech Robotic Systemz director and CEO Anuj Kapuria was quoted by the website as saying: “Novus Drive effectively knows where it is at all times; that’s the beauty of this implementation.

“Velodyne’s LiDAR sensor maps the entire environment, and creates a 3D reconstruction from which the shuttle can make decisions for autonomous navigation.

"At the same time, stereo camera vision creates video feeds with in-depth information for determining traversable and non-traversable paths.

"With this kind of detailed data, Novus Drive can reach its destination with ease, pausing and moving according to the route and actual road congestion.”